For every mother who has lost a baby

For every mother who has lost a baby

For every mother who has lost a baby ...

My first baby daughter, Emily Jane, was born and died on one day, 31 years ago today.

I know this tragedy befalls many mothers - many parents - across the world.

Today, I went to her graveside in Venice and wept. As my heart smouldered in the July heat, the tears flowed freely. Thirty-one years later.

And out of nowhere came this poem.

For every mother who has lost a baby. For every father, sister, brother, grandparent, aunt, uncle and friend.

I am no poet, but I would like to share these simple thoughts with all the bereft mothers and fathers and families in the world. Just for one day.

For Emily

Just for one day

My mother's heart

Still beats for you.


Just for one day

I know in every fibre of my being

It. Was.True.


Just for one day,

I let myself be wistful

And imagine...

What if?

What if my dream of you

Had come true?


Just for one day.

And that day is today.

Ally Preece, Cimitero di San Michele Venezia, 8th July 2017

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Bleeding hearts

©  Ally Preece copyright 2017

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